Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Neopolitan Inline Tags

This is the list of inline tags along with their availability

[] abbr - The Abbreviation Element

[] b - The Bring Attention To Element

[] br - The Line Break Element

[] button - The Button Element - Needs attributes

[] cite - The Citation Element - First attrube should be able to be link

[] code - The Inline Code Element

[] data - The Data Element - Needs attributes

[] del - The Deleted Text Element - Needs attributes

[] dfn - The Definition Element

[] em - The Emphasis Element

[] i - The Idiomatic Text Element

[] img - The Image Embed Element

[] input - The Input (Form Input) Element - Needs attributes

[] ins - The Insert Element - Needs attributes

[] kbd - The Keyboard Input Element

[x] link - The External Resource Link Element

[] linkid - Just like like but takes an id. It's up to the implementation to know what to do with them

[] mark - The Mark Text Element

[] meter - The HTML Meter Element - Needs attributes

[] object - The External Object Element - Needs attributes

[] progress - The Progress Indicator Element - Needs attributes

[] q - The Inline Quotation Element

[] s - The Strikethrough Element

[] samp - The Sample Output Element

[] small - The Side Comment Element

[] span - The Content Span Element

[] strong - The Strong Importance Element

[] sub - The Subscript Element

[] sup - The Superscript Element

[] time - The (Date) Time Element - Needs attributes

[] u - The Unarticulated Annotation Element

[] var - The Variable element

[] wbr - The Line Break Opportunity Element