Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

Neopolitan Tag Attributes

This is the list of attributes that can be applied to tags. The global ones work on any tag. Non - globals are specific to specific sub - sets of tags. See the MDN docs listed at the bottom of the page for reference.

I'm only adding these as I need them so most haven't been done.

[] accept

[] accesskey

[] autocapitalize (global)

[] autocomplete

[] autofocus (global)

[] capture

[x] class (global)

[] contenteditable (global)

[] crossorigin

[NEXT] data - * (global)

[] dir (global)

[] disabled

[] draggable (global)

[] elementtiming

[] enterkeyhint (global)

[] exportparts (global)

[] for

[NEXT] hidden (global)

[x] id (global)

[] inert (global)

[] inputmode (global)

[] is (global)

[] itemid (global)

[] itemprop (global)

[] itemref (global)

[] itemscope (global)

[] itemtype (global)

[] lang (global)

[] max

[] maxlength

[] min

[] minlength

[] multiple

[] nonce (global)

[] part (global)

[] pattern

[] popover (global experimental)

[NEXT] readonly

[] rel

[] required

[] size

[NEXT] slot (global)

[] spellcheck (global)

[] step

[] style (global)

[] tabindex (global)

[] title (global)

[] translate (global)

[] virtualkeyboardpolicy (global experimental)

Footnotes And References