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Textured Backgrounds For iTerm2

I've started using a textured background for my terminal. It gives a little more visual interest without being a full on image of something.

This is what it looks like before the texture is set :

The Image

This is the image I made with the texture. You're welcome to have it.

Make Your Own

This is how I built the image in Photoshop if you'd like to make your own :

- Make a black image in photoshop with the same resolution as your monitor

- Double click on the layer and give it a name in the New Layer dialog so that it's not "Background" anymore

- Select Filter -> Noise -> Add Noise from the menu bar

- Set the Add Noise dialog box to Amount : 100%, Distribution : Uniform, and Check the box for Monochromatic (if it's not already) then click OK to apply it

- Click the fx button at the bottom of the Layers palette and choose "Blending Options"

- In the Blending Options window, move the marker on the white side of the "Blend if" "This Layer" slider to the left so value goes from 255 to 215

- Set the Opacity of the layer in the Layers Palette to 35%

- Export the image as a .png

- Set the mode to "Tile"

- Move the Blending slider to 25

- All those values are starting points. Play around and season to taste

- The reason for all the transparency stuff is to prevent the color of the theme from being overpowered by the noise