Global References And Bookmarks For The Site

This is where I'm collecting links that I use repeatedly on the site so I don't have to come up with something to type in for them each time

These are global refereces. The software wasn't 
ready to handle them TKTKTKT

-- globalref
-- id: espanso
-- title: Espanso
-- subtitle: a full-blown text expander 

I've been using Espanso as my text expander for a few
years now. Mainly I use it for stubbing out templates
in my grimoire via shell scripts it invokes

-- globalref
-- id: grimoire
-- url: /grimoire/
-- title: My Grimoire
-- subtitle: my notes, scripts, snippets, and incantations
for the various things I get into

-- globalref
-- id: orgmode
-- url:
-- title: Org Mode
-- subtitle: A GNU Emacs major mode for keeping notes, authoring documents, computational notebooks, literate programming, maintaining to-do lists, planning projects, and more — in a fast and effective plain text system.

-- globalref
-- id: emacs
-- url:
-- title: Emacs
-- subtitle: an extensible, customizable, free/libre text editor

I ran emacs for a while and really liked it. Mainly I was there to 
use Org mode for code execution (literate programming style). 
I've moved back to Neovim and am setting up a plugin to 
provide that functionality
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