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Setting Up A Keylogger In Rust

This does mouse and keyboard

This is straight from the home page example :

use device_query::{DeviceEvents, DeviceState};
fn main() {
    let device_state = DeviceState::new();

    let _guard = device_state.on_mouse_move(|position| {
        println!("Mouse position: {:#?}", position);
    let _guard = device_state.on_mouse_down(|button| {
        println!("Mouse button down: {:#?}", button);
    let _guard = device_state.on_mouse_up(|button| {
        println!("Mouse button up: {:#?}", button);
    let _guard = device_state.on_key_down(|key| {
        println!("Keyboard key down: {:#?}", key);
    let _guard = device_state.on_key_up(|key| {
        println!("Keyboard key up: {:#?}", key);

    loop {}

Footnotes And References