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rust - analyzer JSON - RPC STDIN Example

This is the readme for this project which is where I figured out how to connect to the rust - analyzer over STDIN for a neopolitan LSP

- An example of how to connect to rust - analyzer from STDIN with JSON - RPC

- This gets semantic tokens

- The paths are hardcoded to "/Users/alan/Desktop/ratest"

- A "Cargo.toml" file has to exist at "/Users/alan/Desktop/ratest/Cargo.toml" for the semantic tokens to work

- Watch out for the escaping of the paths. I think I had some problems with that as well, but that was early so it may have been unrelated issue

- The "output.log" shows an example run

- There's a couple sleep timers in the mix. They're necessary for things to work properly. This was just a scratchpad test and they did the job. Something aimed at production would need a more robust solution

- One thing to examine is the "augmentsSyntaxTokens" option which sounds like it reduced the number of tokens sent so they don't fight with other highlighters.

Footnotes And References