How I'm So Productive


Head's up: This is a draft post. The first part is done, but the later parts are still just scratch notes.


I'm wary of authors who tell you they do X in order to be great at Y and all you have to do is the same thing to be great at it as well.

I'm also wary of the word "just" which gets used in those contexts a lot. Especailly with hyperbole thrown in. For example, I could have titled this post "Just Do These Three Things In Order To Be A Productivity Superstar". But, that's disingenuous at best. All I can really do is offer to tell you what works for me. Some of it might work for you too.

Getting Things Out Of The Way

First off, I don't have a job or kids. So, the time I have available to work on stuff is considerable.

But, I'd argue that I was still productive prior to leaving my gig. For example, my site has about 2,000 posts on it. Almost all of which were written when I still had a job.

As for the kids thing, I've seen how much time that can take and it's no joke. We'll get to that in a minute, but first I need to talk about words.

The Language In My Head

I'm a huge fan of language. Some folks argue it's what defines our reality. I don't know about that, but I know it's incredictly powerfull. Especially the langauge we use in our heads when thinking about stuff. I've spent a lot of time thinking about that self-talk and looking for ways to tweak it to help to do more of what I want to do.

My favorite example of that is "nervous" and "excited". The physical feeling in our bodies of nervousness and excitement is virtually the same. Depending on the context we label it one thing or the other. What's wild is that if you find yourself in a situation where your nervous but say to yourself, "I'm not nervious, I'm excited" that will start to become true. It takes some time and a bunch of tries to convince yourself, but after a while you'll default to thinking "I'm excited" instead of "I'm nervous".

And, an important point is that you're not convincing yourself of a lie. It's making it the truth.

It's tough to say how much this has meant to me, but it feels like a goddamn super power. Even better, once we know about it, it's a super-power we can practice to get better at.

Available Time

Notice I don't call it "Free Time". I find free time a loaded term. I don't remember the last time I heard someone say that had much free time. I prefer "available time". I can "make time available" to work on stuff instead of "looking for free time" to do it. Looking for free time is waiting for the world to give you something. Making time avaialble is me taking charge.

So, I make it a point to make time for the things I want to work on.

Shitty First Drafts

I've got some other stuff I want to get into tonight so I'm going to take a few more notes, but not worry about finalizing stuff. This is inline with Anne Lamott's idea of Shitty First Drafts. The link to that is below.

Scratch Notes

The below stuff are notes to add into the post in the next draft.



~ fin ~


  • This was a great read for me in terms of helping me get started with things. Leaning into the idea that the first time I do a thing is gonna be crap makes it easier to start. It short-circuits my desire to make everything I do perfect.

    It's also great because it helps setup a defence in my head against people criticising what I do. "Wow, that looks like shit, Alan" Me: "Yeah! Right! It's so bad. Gave me a bunch of ideas for the next one though"