Head's Up: I'm in the middle of upgrading my site. Most things are in place, but there are something missing and/or broken including image alt text. Please bear with me while I'm getting things fixed.

My Music Playlists

I don't do a lot with playlists. Mostly, I just star songs and play them randomly. There are a few that are important to me though.

- The spotify web player stops for me at 100, your mileage may vary unless you click into the app

- I go back and forth between spotify and youtube Music. I'm using spotify more these days because of the "AI DJ"

- The spotify worked pretty well to start but then started feeding back on itself and kept saying I'd been listening a lot to the music it played me so it was going to play it again... Like, no robot, I want new stuff

- One of these days I'll write an app so I can just manage a playlist in one place and have every music service use it. There's stuff out there that does that, but the ones I've seen are free apps that require giving your log - in credentials too. That means I'm the product and I'd have to give them my keys to use it. Some of them may be fine at the moment but there's no good way to be certain they are and it's impossible to know what they'll do in the future. That's not a risk I'm willing to take for playlist sync.

- I expect there's open - source code out there for syncing that I'd totally be down for after a review. Digging into that is on my back - burner list.